Riggit Galloway Cattle Society Members’ Sales List
If you are a member of the society and wish to advertise here, please email us details and ideally a photograph.
These pages are available to RGCS members to advertise their own Riggit stock for sale. Purchasers are advised that the Society implies no warranties or guarantees concerning individual stock. Buyers are advised that the purchase agreement will be directly with the advertiser and they should satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the Riggit Galloway cattle listed on this website.
Riggit Galloway for sale - Rare opportunity to purchase some quality cattle
2x Incalf heifers
Stonehouse Nightingale 12/04/22
Stonehouse Nuthatch 28/05/22
Incalf to Zelensky of Hottbank due from end of March
£6000 pair
2x Yearling heifers
Stonehouse Puffin 25/04/23
Stonehouse Oystercatcher 30/04/23
£4000 pair
2 x 10 months old
Not registered yet but will be!
£3000 pair
All well bred and black riggit marked.
Two of three young heifers or in-calf cows to start a new pedigree herd.
Please contact Bek (Lancashire)
Exciting opportunity to acquire high quality Riggit Galloway genetics
Due to success with our first embryo transfer calf now on the ground, we are able to offer frozen riggit embryos (UK only).
Dam is excellent confirmation red-point white riggit Hatherland Impala (RG2017/025C); Sire is our lovely stock bull who has been putting good solid calves on the ground - Clifton Redthorn 2nd (RG2019/008), both with excellent pedigrees and easy temperaments.
Embryos were expertly collected on farm by LLM Vets specialist embryo transfer team - all embryos were classed as high quality and immediately frozen.
The offspring will all be red, with 50% probability red-point white riggit and 50% red riggit.
(Note: Impala would have been classified as full pedigree white riggit, but was born before this rule change was introduced)
Embryos will be economically prices at £250 each. (Transfer and implantation fees to be agreed between purchaser and embryo company).
07971 104488