Registration Procedure

  1. Take photos showing clearly both sides of the animal - digital format preferred but prints can be scanned (if you require them back please provide S.A.E.)

  2. Decide if the animal is fully registerable or if it should be an appendix animal - see guide below and check the Breed Standard, or call the Secretary if in doubt

  3. Complete a registration form. They are available either by downloading from link below or contacting the Registration Secretary for some to be sent in the post. N.B. Transfer form (2nd page) only required if animal has been sold or transferred

  4. Send completed forms and photos either electronically or in the post to the Registration Secretary

  5. Fee can be sent by cheque with form or by bank transfer, bank details are

    account name The Riggit Galloway Cattle Society, Sort Code: 80-08-23, Account no: 06002878

    Fees per registration: £10 in first year, £20 if registering after the animal is 1 year old

    Invoices issued on request

  6. If an inspection is required the Secretary will contact you to arrange.

Download Registration Form

Return forms

by email to:

or by post to: Alison Geen, Registration Secretary, Sherberton Farm, Princetown, Yelverton, Devon PL20 6SF

Registration guidelines

  • Only full members can register stock

  • Animal must have 100% Galloway parentage and display all expected Galloway traits

  • Must be correctly marked i.e have white dorsal stripe with rest of body being single colour typically black, blue/black, dun or red. The stripe may broaden to cover much of the animals back, notably down the outside of the hind quarters, or break into white spots amongst the other solid colour. The dark colour should cover at least the majority of either side from shoulder to hindmost rib. White markings may occur under the keel, and on legs, but ideally shouldn’t run down to the hoof. Roan markings may show on head and face. 

  • Symmetry of colour is a desirable trait

  • Easy care animal capable of producing beef from rough upland pasture

  • As of 1st Jan 2018 “White Riggits”, that is females whose parents are both correctly marked registered Riggits but which display the White Galloway type colouration of an overall white colour with black, red or dun points will also be included in the main register. As of 13th February 2019, similar White Riggit males will also be included in the main register.

  • Refer to the Breed Standard (last entry) or the notes underneath Appendix animals below to see if animals with Belted parents can be registered or not, the rules were tightened up on 18.2.2021.

Fully Registered Riggits

(registration numbers without any appended letters eg RG2001/001)

  • Animal must have 100% Galloway parentage and display all expected Galloway traits.

  • Must be correctly marked as described in the Breed Standard.

A well marked black Riggit heifer, with full Galloway parentage so eligible for full registration.

A well marked black Riggit heifer, with full Galloway parentage so eligible for full registration.

Hatherland Ephemeris, a White Riggit with red points. Eligible for full registration as both sire and dam are correctly marked fully registered Riggits.

Hatherland Ephemeris, a White Riggit with red points. Eligible for full registration as both sire and dam are correctly marked fully registered Riggits.

Appendix Cattle

A Grade: Female of correct type with 3 Galloway* grandparents (3/4 bred) and identifiable 4th grandparent. Must be inspected before inclusion on register.

B Grade: Female progeny of A grade animal sired by identifiable Galloway (7/8th bred). Again the animal must be inspected before inclusion. Also includes correctly marked animals of identifiable but unregistered Galloway ancestry.

Progeny of both genders from B grade females sired by identifiable pure bred Galloway may be registered, upon inspection, as fully pedigree.

C Grade: Females that would otherwise be eligible for B grade, or full pedigree, but are born with marks other than 'Riggit', may, upon inspection, be included in the register as C Grade animals.

Their female progeny, sired by a pure bred Galloway bull, may be eligible, upon inspection, to be included as full pedigree animals.

*‘Galloway’ referring to solid Blacks, Duns, Reds, or Whites

The grading procedure may be varied for individual animals on their merit, and upon inspection.

Belted Galloway parentage

As of  18th February 2021

To minimise belted/mismarked skin patterns, correctly marked females with one Belted Galloway parent can only enter the register at ‘B’ grade. The initials (BP) within their pedigree certificate shall identify their origin. 

No bull may be registered from a Belted parent.

From 18th February, females with Belted Galloway origin which are otherwise eligible for full registration, but which are still showing a minor but evident vestigial belt mark, (coming less than 1/3 of the way down from their ‘lineback’ toward the belly) can be fully registered, but shall carry the identifying initials (VB) on the pedigree.

 No bulls may be registered from these animals.

Any female otherwise eligible for full registration but showing any more than a minor vestigial belt may be registered as ‘C’ grade, with the identifying initials (VB) as above.

The Registration Secretary shall be the arbiter of how to register such animals, but may defer to the directors in the advent of any dispute.

The RGCS shall maintain notes for guidance on this subject.

Please contact the secretary with any queries on registration.